Tuesday, 27 May 2008


A collection of objects for my 'found' alphabet


Syllogomania - The collection and/or failure to discard large numbers of objects even when their storage causes significant clutter and impairment to basic living activities such as moving around the house


Some images that have inspired me


Some Alphabets I have created

Saturday, 17 May 2008


Entry for Doritos Competition

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Camera Obscura

By blacking out an entire room, leaving just a small pin hole we created a camera obscura (pinhole camera within a room). The image outside is projected against the walls, which we covered with photographic paper and left exposed for 3 minutes. The paper was then sealed, developed and put back into the room where it had been created.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Freshers week

A bubble wrap wall designed to help freshers meet and make new friends in a relaxing and fun environment.